Gennev Menopause Feminine Moisturizer
Gennev Menopause Feminine Moisturizer
Brand: genneve
- NATURAL VAGINAL MOISTURIZER lubricant created by women & used by thousands worldwide
- HORMONE-FREE, FRAGRANCE-FREE, PARABEN-FREE so it never burns or provokes yeast infection
- FEELS LIKE A WOMAN’S NATURAL MOISTURE it’s non-sticky, non-staining, water-based gel safe for her
- BUY MORE SAVE MORE also try our feminine wipes for the ultimate vaginal health
- DOCTOR RECOMMENDED for Vaginal Dryness and Itching - Great as a daily moisturizer! High grade formula for ultimate comfort and a natural feel, sized for travel. Medically proven for intra-vaginal use. pH balanced to maintain natural chemistry
Binding: Health and Beauty
Publisher: genneve
Details: Product Description genneve is so much more than just a menopause personal lubricant, it's a integral part of feeling fabulous in your body! A key aspect of feminine health is being healthy "down there". For some reason as women age, maintaining the natural balance and comfort in that part of the body becomes something we have to pay attention to. We are women formulating feminine health products - like the genneve Intimate Moisture - for women who are in the most vibrant years of their lives and want to recapture their 30-something selves. genneve Intimate Moisture feels like your own natural moisture, keeping you comfortable throughout the day or during intimacy. And, we're FDA cleared, which makes us ultra safe. What's not in genneve Intimate Moisture? We left out the stuff that a woman doesn't need in her feminine area, including parabens, fragrances and flavors. And, for women who cannot have hormones, we've left those out too! From the Manufacturer The benefits of feminine moisturizers Untreated, feminine dryness can lead to atrophy so its important to take steps early. Research suggests moisturizers and lubricants may help delay, avoid or reverse atrophy, so find a solution that works for you for greater comfort and a healthier future. The benefits of using a personal lubricant that's formulated for women Feminine dryness is something that 1 in 3 women experience at some point in their lives. Whether it’s a result of breast-feeding, maturing into peri-menopause and menopause years, or a consequence of using birth control, antidepressants or having to go through chemotherapy, dryness is a pain…literally. genneve Intimate Moisture is formulated for women during these times of their lives. We've taken into account your the sensitive pH chemistry of your feminine environment to minimize any irritation and maximize fun and comfort! Feels like a woman's natural moisture genneve is water-based, so it’s non-sticky, non-staining, and cleans up easily. FDA approved genneve is FDA-approved, and anything else risks infections. Petroleum jelly and baby oil or oils compromise your feminine pH. Free of parabens, hormones, fragrances, flavors genneve is formulated for sensitive skin to minimize skin irritation or the chance of a yeast infection or urinary tract infection. In pursuit of women feeling fabulous in their bodies! genneve is taking on the taboos of feminine health with healthy products and content. We're tackling some of the toughest feminine health issues with consumer products, technology, tips and stories for today's women heading into menopause or in the thick of it's glory days. We're not our mother's 50, and the resources of the past don't cut it. About the Startup Describe your product in 3 words. feminine moisturizer lubricant How did you come up with the idea for this product? Just over a year ago, I was a marketing executive at a large tech company. But I knew there was something else I was meant to do. In my heart of hearts, I wanted to help women claim their power and place—but that can be hard to do when they don’t even feel comfortable in their own skin. That’s what motivated me to start genneve. I knew I couldn't do it alone, and I was fortunate enough to recruit Shannon to join team genneve to lead our digital and community efforts at Both in our 40's, we're going through some of the most dynamic changes our bodies will experience. And, we're surrounded by a community of friends who are experiencing similar, if not greater, changes. We understand one another, and we empathize with our customers. Let’s face it: Women endure a lot, and as a society, we rarely even acknowledge the struggles, much less provide support for the women dealing with them. We need to change that. Periods, breastfeeding, menopause…these are natural things, yet women are taught to be embarrassed and secretive about them. Having healthy, happy vaginas is what we need to be talking about! Going through hormonal changes would be so much easier if we met them with empathy, laughter, open minds, and listening ears. And for those women who experience hormonal change for other reasons—cancer treatments, hysterectomies, prescription medicines, etc.—a community of support and information can be critical. What makes your product special? 1 in 3 women suffer from poor feminine health—namely, feminine dryness. For some, it's a pain everyday, and for others just during intercourse. We've got women covered either way. For everyday-moisturizing, the genneve Intimate Moisture is your product. It carries FDA clearance. genneve also formulated products for sexual wellness if a woman prefers a personal lubricant that is lighter for sensitive skin (genneve Personal Lubricant) or for longer-lasting intimacy with a fusion of silicone (genneve Hybrid Personal Lubricant). Yes, our products are tried, tested, and trusted, and you can use them with confidence, but genneve is about more than lubricants and moisturizers. It’s about comfort. It’s about confidence. It’s about enjoying your sexuality. It’s about all the wonderful things that can happen when you take back control of your body and you’re not ashamed to make that happen. What has been the best part of your startup experience? Hearing from the women we're helping feel fabulous in their bodies, in their relationships and in their everyday lives! We're building a company that’s approachable, trustworthy, and trusted. We try to bring all these traits to every conversation we have with women, and it works. We share, we laugh, we shake our fists, and then we put our heads down and get to work. Find us at
Package Dimensions: 6.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 inches